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Submit for Promotion

We encourage local United Women in Faith groups to submit their special open-to-the-public events and fundraisers so we can help spread the word! 

Your events / fundraisers may be listed in our calendar and/or in our weekly newsletter. Priority will be given to educational events, mission projects and fundraisers of United Women in Faith of the Horizon Texas Conference that benefit UWF missions and mission giving. Special events will be considered if you will welcome the public and have plenty of room. 

In order for us to promote your Event or Fundraiser, we need this information. Please provide your answers in an email with your graphic attached, separate from a flyer. 

  1. Details: What, when, where and why. 
  2. Purpose of the event. If the event is a fundraiser, how will the funds be used? 
  3. URL for registration or more information.*
  4. A graphic or logo - Ideally contained in a square or circle. Send the image you use on your flyer. The space for a graphic in the newsletter is small (so a flyer won't work), and the calendar will hold just a url or an image. We can make a link to a flyer, but flyers won't be displayed in the newsletter or on the UWFNorthTexas.org website. 
  5. Contact name and email for readers to contact with questions about the event. We prefer not to publish phone numbers but may call you with questions, so please include your phone number. 

Please send the above information 2-4 weeks ahead of the event or deadline. Later submissions may or may not be used. A flyer is nice to have, but that will not substitute for the above pieces of information.  

Send to: info@uwfaithhtc.org

*If you do not have a required url "for registration or more information" we suggest that you list your event on EventBrite. Doing so will help bring the community to your event and provide a url to send us.